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二垒的英文翻译 二垒英文怎幺说 二垒的英文例句



[èr lěi]

    keystone corner;keystone sack;second base

keystone [ki:stәun]

    n.重点,要旨,基本原理 n.[建] 拱心石,楔石

corner [kɔ:nә(r)]

    n.角落,(街道)拐角处,(遥远的)地区,偏僻处,困境,绝路 vt.迫至一隅,垄断,使陷入绝境,把...难住 vi.相交成角,囤积(in)

sack [sæk]

    n.大袋,大袋之量,麻布袋,短而松的袍装,布袋装,洗劫 vt.解雇,装入袋,洗劫,就寝

second [sekәnd]

    n.秒,片刻,第二者,第二人,助手,次货,二等品 adj.另一个,又一个 num.第二 vt.赞成,支持


棒球运动中作二垒打。Hit a two-base hit in baseball.贝特密在第二局击出一支带有一分打点的二垒安打将比数扩大到3比0。Wilson betemit extended new york's lead to3-0with an rbi double in the second inning.队长因为松井的中右外野间的二垒安打而慢跑回本垒得分,赢得了比赛。Jeter trotted home on matsui's double to the gap in right-center field for the game-winner.根本不是什幺“二垒”It was not second base.跑垒者滑进二垒。The runner slid into second base.跑者安全地滑入二垒。The runner slid safely into second base.谁跟我描述一下二垒吧Somebody describe second base to me.他击出一垒打,再因对方漏接而跑上二垒。He singled and went to second on a passed ball.他能打第二垒或第三垒,也能打外场。He could play second base or third base and in the outfield.我和alice“上过二垒”I went to second base with alice.一垒和二垒都有跑者。There are runners on first and second base.由游击手为二垒策应。The shortstop backs up the second base on the throw.

