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二甲苯的英文翻译 二甲苯英文怎幺说 二甲苯的英文例句



[èr jiǎ běn]


xylene [zaili:n]

    n.[化] 二甲苯


用于芳香剂含量超过60%的产品的苯、甲苯和二甲苯储罐Benzene toluene and xylene tanks for products containing more than60% aromatics;然后,将工业品二甲苯放入瓶中,使达到顶部。Thereafter the bottle is filled to the lip with commercial grade xylene.溶解度:溶于甲醇、乙醇。难溶于甲苯、二甲苯。Solubility: soluble in methanol ethanol.hardly soluble in toluene xylene.它们吸附对二甲苯的容量和选择性都很高。Their adsorption capacity and selectivity for p-xylene were high.威灵仙能极显着抑制二甲苯引起的小鼠耳朵肿胀,其作用有较好的线性关係;Clematis dose-dependently inhibited the mouse ear swelling caused by xylol.现在有了丙酮,二甲苯,还有甲苯You got acetone xylene toluene.


三二甲苯磷酸盐 trixylenyl phosphate

三硝基二甲苯 trinitroxylene

二卤二甲苯 xylene dihalide

二甲苯 xylene

二甲苯丙胺 xylopropamine

二甲苯分离 xylene separation

二甲苯异构催化剂 xylene isomerization catalyst

二甲苯异构化 xylene isomerization

二甲苯异构化催化剂 xylene isomerization catalyst

二甲苯树脂改性酚醛压塑粉 Xylene resin modified phenolic molding compound

二甲苯玻璃布板 xylol glass cloth plate

二甲苯胺 dimethylaniline xylidine

二甲苯胺盐酸盐 dimethylaniline hydrochloride

二甲苯胺蓝 xylidyl blue

二甲苯酚 xylenol

二甲苯酚树脂 xylenol resin

二甲苯麝香 musk xylol

十度级二甲苯 ten degree grade xylene

卤代二甲苯 xylene halide

对二甲苯 p-xylene

对二甲苯氧化 p-xylene oxidation

氨基二甲苯 amino-xylene

氯二甲苯 chloroxylene

混合二甲苯 xylene,mixed xylol

甲吡二甲苯脲 xiloban

甲吡二甲苯脲 xiloban

硝化级二甲苯 nitration grade xylene

硝基二甲苯 nitroxylene

磷酸三二甲苯酯 trixylenyl phosphate

磺胺二甲苯 sulfametoyl

