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爱戴的英文翻译 爱戴英文怎幺说 爱戴的英文例句




    to love and respect
    love and respect

love [lʌv]

    n.爱,热爱,爱情,爱好,性爱,情人,零 vt.爱,热爱,爱好,爱慕 vi.爱

respect [ri'spekt]

    n.尊敬,敬重,注意,考虑,尊重,关係,有关,敬意 vt.尊敬,尊重,不防碍


他是众人所爱戴的。He is beloved by all.他是个为臣民所衷心爱戴的君主He is a ruler enthrone in the heart of his subjects他是个为臣民所衷心爱戴的君主。He is a ruler enthrone in the heart of his subject.亚瑟王和格温妮维尔王后在一起生活地非常幸福。人们爱戴他们美丽的王后。King arthur and queen guinevere were very happy together.the people loved their beautiful queen.由于一位受人爱戴的官员的帮助而被推选到政府机关Elected to office on the coattails of a popular governor.他卓越的功绩,使得他最为全国人民所爱戴。His preeminent services had entitled him to the first place in his country's love.现年79岁的泰国国王深受人民爱戴,很多泰国人几乎把他当作神明来敬仰。The79-year old monarch is deeply loved in thailand and regarded by many thais as semi-divine.在政治科学和爱戴。In political science and would love to.


不受爱戴 come into disfavor; fall from favour; fall into disfavour; fall out of favour; fallen from favor; fallen from favour; fallen into disfavor; fallen into disfavour; fell from favor; fell from favour; fell into disfavour

