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恩惠的英文翻译 恩惠英文怎幺说 恩惠的英文例句





favor [feivә(r)]

    n.好感,宠爱,关切,欢心,好意,喜爱 vt.支持,赞成,照顾,促成,象,喜欢,证实,赐予

grace [greis]

    n.优美,雅致,优雅 Grace 格雷斯(女子名)


愿恩惠平安,从父神与我们的主耶稣基督,归与你们。And all the brothers who are with me to the churches of galatia:这是一种陈腐的老生常谈,旨在维护似乎他给了我极大恩惠的假像。It was a platitude to maintain the fiction that he was conferring a great boon on me.“让我接受巴特勒那个人的恩惠!"And to be under obligation to that butler man!比不受欢迎的人更坏的是政治恩惠。Worse than sleaze is pork.和尚们每天祈求恩惠。The monks prayed daily for.来接受伟大的庞培的恩惠Courtesy of the great pompey.上帝普遍恩惠的终极性的目的是什幺呢。Common grace has one special purpose.使…感激或感谢;施恩惠于To cause to be grateful or indebted; oblige.我一生一世必有恩惠慈爱跟随Surely the goodness and mercy...在这段期间,他们给德国人一些小恩惠。All the while they paid the germans in small coin.箴8:35因为寻得我的,就寻得生命,也必蒙耶和华的恩惠。Pro8:35for whoso findeth me findeth life and shall obtain favour of the lord.


以...施恩惠 oblige with

作为恩惠 ex gratia

受...的恩惠 under an obigation

受恩惠 in debt to

恩惠 obligation

恩惠合同 contract of benevolence; gratuitous contract

恩惠日 days of grace; dies gratia

施恩惠于 oblige by

给...恩惠 done a favor for; done a favour for

给恩惠 did a favor for; did a favour for; do a favor for; do a favour for

