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挨户的英文翻译 挨户英文怎幺说 挨户的英文例句



[āi hù]

    from house to house, one by one

house [haus]

    n.房子,住宅,库房,机构,家庭,家族,议院,剧场 vt.给...房子住,收藏,覆盖 vi.住,躲藏(up)

one [wʌn]

    pron.一个人,任何人,一方 num.一,一个 adj.一方的,某一,同样的


所以我们挨家挨户地查一下So we're going door-to-door.他挨家挨户地要向你推销什幺?What exactly washe selling you door-to-door?他挨家挨户上门卖书。He sells books from door to door.他过去恰恰很可能是个挨家挨户行骗的江湖医生。It is just as likely that he was a charlatan peddling hocus-pocus.她挨家挨户地推销化妆品。She sells cosmetics from door to door.我过去是个挨家挨户的推销员。I used to be a door-to-door salesman.在日本,人们通过敲鼓和击打竹杖,挨家挨户地製造响声。In japan people go from house to house making noise with drums and bamboo sticks.在宵禁的时候要挨家挨户的搜,In those house-to-house searches during curfew.在霄禁的时候要挨家挨户的搜,In those house-to-house searches during curfew这个乞丐挨门挨户地要饭。The beggar begs from door to door.正在继续进行挨家挨户的病例监测。The house-to-house surveillance for cases is continuing.


挨家挨户 from house to house

挨家挨户地 from door to door

挨户兜揽,挨户推销 house-to-house selling; house-to-house canvassing; door-to-door selling

挨户分发小张广告 throwaway

挨户推销 door to door selling; house to house selling

挨户检查 house-to-house check

挨户的 house to house

挨户直接销售 direct marketing by house-to-house selling

挨门挨户兜售 door selling

