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齶裂的英文翻译 齶裂英文怎幺说 齶裂的英文例句



[è liè]

    cleft palate

cleft [kleft]

    n.裂缝,隙口 adj.劈开的 vbl.劈开,分开

palate [pælәt]



1993~1998年度瀋阳地区唇齶裂发病现况研究The study on incidence of cleft lip and cleft palate in shenyang area from1993to1998结论:齶裂整複术的有利麻醉时机应选择在2~3岁为宜。Conclusions: the advantageous anesthetic time for cleft palate taxis is during2-3years of age.目的克隆并筛选与小鼠齶裂发生相关候选新基因。Objective cloning and screening a novel candidate gene related to developing mouse cleft palate.先天性唇齶裂病儿torch感染的血清学研究Study on serology of congenital cleft lip and cleft palate patients torch infection.在第三组中,一个胎儿有齶裂,但没有眼睛。In group3 one fetus could be seen with a cleft palate and anophthalmia.唇齶裂发病因素的logistic回归分析A logistic regression analysis on risk factors of cleft lip and palate.目的应用语图仪研究齶裂患者的语音声学特点。Objective to study the acoustic-phonetic features of the cleft patients with sound spectrograph.


单侧齶裂 unilateral cleft palate

双侧齶裂 bilateral cleft palate

硬齶裂 cleft hard palate

齶裂 cleft palate

齶裂修复术 palatorrhaphy

齶裂修补手术刀包 palatorrhaphy operating instrument set

齶裂减张切口修复术 closure of cleft palate by von Langenbeck operation

齶裂后推修复术 closure of cleft palate by Dorrance push back operation

齶裂四瓣修复术 closure of cleft palate by Wardill four-flap operation

齶裂系列治疗 cleft palate team approach

齶裂语音 cleft palate speech

软硬齶裂 cleft soft and hard palate

软齶裂 cleft soft palate

