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    stem and calyx of flower

stem [stem]

    n.茎,干,词干,茎干 v.滋生,阻止

calyx [keiliks]


flower [flauә(r)]

    n.花,开花的植物,花卉,精华,盛时 vi.开花,旺盛,成熟 vt.用花装饰,使开花


萼片:一朵花中位置紧接在花瓣下方的结构。Sepal one of the structures situated immediately below the petals of a flower.果扁球形,直径1。7釐米,基部托以宿存苞片和萼片。Fruit oblate 1.7cm in diameter base with persistent bracts and sepals.全缘的:用于描述叶、萼片或花瓣的边缘光滑、无裂片。Entire describing the margin of a leaf sepal or petal that is smooth and undivided.完整的花的具有全部基本器官的,即:花萼、花瓣、雄蕊和雌蕊。用于花卉Having all principal parts namely the sepals petals stamens and pistil or pistils.used of a flower.宿存的,不落的持续保持成熟后的状态而不凋落,如茄子的花萼或松果的鳞苞Lasting past maturity without falling off as the calyx on an eggplant or the scales of a pine cone.一种长花距的兰花,有基生叶及靠合在上萼片之下的花瓣。A long-spurred orchid with base leaves and petals converging under the upper sepal.


假蒴萼 pseudoperianth

副萼 epicalyx, accessory calyx

单环萼 monocyclic calyx

双环萼 dicyclic calyx

合片萼 synsepal, gamosepal

外轮对萼雄蕊 diplostemonous stamen

离片萼 chorisepal

糖萼 glycocalyx又称"多糖包被"。

花萼 calyx

萼 calyx

萼丝骨针 calycocome

萼器 calyx

萼孔 calyx pore

萼杯 dorsal cup

萼板 thecal plate

萼片 sepal

萼状岩心钻 calyx core drill

萼盖 operculumtegmen

萼筒 calyx tube

萼管 porocalyx

萼裂片 calyx lobe

萼部 calyx指珊瑚体的顶端部位。

蒴萼 perianth

输卵管萼 egg calyx卵萼

连萼瘦果 cypsela

