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    common gull

common [kɔmәn]

    adj.共同的,公共的,公有的,普通的,庸俗的,伪劣的 n.[複][总]平民,公有,普通,共通

gull [gʌl]

    n.[动] 鸥,易受骗之人,笨人 vt.欺诈,骗,使上当


其中一幅我称之为《蒙涛角——海鸥》,另一幅叫《蒙涛角——大海》。”One of them I call montauk point--the gulls and the other I call montauk point--the sea. "强纳森海鸥,对于你的卤莽飞行Jonathan gull for your reckless flying他们就象贼鸥描述的那样... They were just as the skua had described.她注视着一群海鸥在她头上盘旋。She watched aflock of seagulls wheeling around above her.乌黑并有白色斑纹的海鸥;产于大西洋北部和地中海地区。Sooty black petrel with white markings; of the north atlantic and mediterranean.象海鸥飞翔为寻找奇迹。Flying just for a miracle like a seagull.像其他每只海鸥一样... Like every other seagull.一只躺在海滩上、满身油污的燕鸥。A tern lying on a beach fouled by oil.有些燕鸥在北极圈更北的地区筑巢。Some terns nest well north of the arctic circle.贼鸥,你给我回来!Skua! You get back here!贼鸥对企鹅群具有很大的威胁,它们会捕食企鹅的卵和幼仔。Skuas are a particular menace around penguins colonies and prey on both eggs and chicks.住在这里附近的牧羊人,有谁看到过海鸥?Have any of the shepherds who live round about here ever seen a sea gull?


海鸥牌汽车 Chaika

海鸥牌汽车 Chaika

海鸥牌电扇 Seagull electric fan

海鸥鸣样杂音 seagull murmur

银鸥 herring gull

雌鸥大刀扎把 bundled common crane tail covert

雌鸥小刀扎把 bundled common crane tertiary

鸥 gull

鸥翼切平面 gull wing incisal plane

