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vomit [vɔmit]

    n.呕吐,呕吐物,催吐剂 vi.呕吐,大量喷出 vt.吐出,呕吐


我闻到了呕吐物的臭气。The rank smell of vomit reached me.我咽下这第一顿食物后,马上觉得头晕眼花,连连作呕。But at least I had no sooner eaten my first meal than I was seized with giddiness and retching.笑声变成了尖叫声,随后又变成了干呕声。The laugh turned to a screech and then a retch. C一种发出噁心的令人作呕的粘性的物质”A kind of slimy stuff of a most nauseous odious smell "引起噁心或反感;使作呕To excite nausea or loathing in; sicken.尤其晕船的时候,看不得人家呕。”Especially when I feel seasick I cannot stand watching someone else vomiting. "有过噁心,呕吐吗?Have you ever nauseated or vomited?有些电视广告真是令人作呕。Some of the tv adverts are truly nauseating.这就是让我作呕的原因This is the part that makes me queasy.这幺说你可是个呕吐专家。So you're the upchuck specialist.这些食物看上去真令人作呕。The food looked absolutely revolting.知道我发现她令人作呕的行为,Til I found out she was on her creep窒息,作呕,因为痉挛使人反胃、想吐。Choke retch or have a spasm causing one to regurgitate.


令人作呕 smell to heaven; smell to high heaven; smelt to heaven; smelt to high heaven

令人作呕的 sickly

作呕 feel nausea

呕出 spew out; vomit out; vomit up

呕吐 jerk the cat

呕吐反射 vomiting reflex

呕血 hematemesis

喷射性呕吐 projectile vomiting

对...要作呕 sicken at

干呕 retch

要呕吐 feel sick

见到就作呕 heave her gorge at

