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    with lottery

lottery [lɔtәri]



黄昏宝果有奖寻人启事"Reward for information concerning bingo crepuscule."看起来像不像有奖问答游戏节目?Doesn't this look like a television game show?罗马尼亚队囊括了所有奖牌。Romania made a clean sweep of the medals.我有奖学金,我也教中国的民间舞蹈。I had a scholarship. I also taught chinese folk dancing.在有奖电视节目中对人类食欲的迎合达到了最卑俗的地步。Appeals to human cupidity reach their lowest point in tv give-away shows.描述:圣地牙哥市有一个很积极并且有奖励措施的节水工程。The city of san diego has an active and award-winning water conservation program.纽马克特有奖赛马于6月举行。The newmarket stakes is run in june.是否有奖学金可申请?Is there any scholarship offered?威利特先生真周到,愿意出售有奖彩票。Mr willet has kindly offered to sell raffle tickets.我赢过曼氏甭,那是有奖金的I won the manzanita know that used to be a stakes race.又到我们的有奖问答题时间了。It's our award-winning question time again.


带利息的有奖债券 lottery bond

政府有奖债券 premium bonds

有奖债券 premium bonds

有奖储蓄 rewarded savings; awarded deposit

有奖储蓄公债 premium savings bonds

有奖储蓄券 bonus bearing flood rehabitation certificates

有奖公债 lottery bond

有奖利息 bond with interest lottery

有奖参赛 talent show

有奖有惩 ensure punishments and rewards based on actual performance of each enterprice

有奖邮政储蓄 premium postal savings

有奖销售 prize-winning purchase; premium offer

消费者有奖竞赛 consumer contest

