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幺的英文翻译 幺英文怎幺说 幺的英文例句



    surname Yao

surname [sә:neim]

    n.姓 v.用姓称呼


    n. (pl. -Yao or Yaos) 1 徭族; 徭人 (居于中国西南部、越南北部和寮国一民族) 2 徭语 Yao [jaJ; jau] 尧 (传说中的中国古代统治者)


一点,幺点纸牌、骰子或骨牌中的幺点或一点A single spot or pip on a playing card, die, or domino.旅行甚幺时候开始?Quand est-ce que le voyage commence?如果你这幺做,你将不受逼迫也没有人能阻碍你。If you do this you will be impervious to coercion and no one can ever hold you back.我脑子里一直有嘈杂声,所以什幺都听不清楚。I have a perpetual din in my head and hear nothing aright.不同于其他文献之处在于,这个联合幺正变换对于所有情况是惟一的。In this scheme the unitary transformation is given uniquely which is not the same as others.换言之,矩阵的厄密性在幺正变换下保持不变。In other words the hermiticity of a matrix is invariant under unitary transformations.时间反演t不是幺正的。Time reversal t is not unitary.由于工具有普通代数中数1的性质,称它为幺矩阵。Since I behaves like the number1in ordinary algebra it is called the identity matrix.


右幺元 right identity element

左幺元 left identity element

幂幺元 unipotent element

幂幺根 unipotent radical

幂幺群 unipotent group

幂幺表示 unipotent representation

幺半群 monoid

幺拟群 loop

幺模的 unimodular

幺模矩阵 unimodular matrix

幺正变换 unitary transformation

幺正的 unitary

幺正算符 unitary operator

幺环 unitary ring,rings with identity

相对地过电压标幺值 phasetoearth overvoltage per unit

相间过电压标幺值 phasetophase overvoltage per unit

