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税负的英文翻译 税负英文怎幺说 税负的英文例句



[shuì fù]

    tax bearing;tax burden;tax incidence

tax [tæks]

    n.税,税款,税金 vt.对...徵税,使负重担,指控,责备

bearing [beәriŋ]

    n.轴承,关係,方面,意义,[pl.] 方向,方位

burden [bә:d(ә)n]

    n.担子,负担 v.负担


市级估价办公室根据评估记录完成税负通知。Municipal valuation office generates tax demand notices based on valuation roll.


公司利润课税负担额 corporate profits tax liability

公平税负 fair taxation

公平税负的原则 principle of keeping taxation fair

关税负担者 incidence of duty

关税负担者,关税归宿 incidence of duty

净课税负债 net tax liability

减少公司所得税负担额 reduction for corporate income tax

减轻税负 reduction of incidence

减轻赋税负担 tax mitigation

所得税负债 income tax liability

独立申报课税负债 separate return tax liability

租税负担 incidence of taxation

税负 burden of taxation; tax bearing; tax burden

税负减免 tax relief

税负分配 distribution of tax burden

税负平等化 equalization of tax burden

税负往后转嫁 backward

税负率 tax burden ratio; tax bearing ratio

税负能力 tax-bearing capacity

等比例税负 equi-proportional sacrifice

纳税负担 burden of paying tax; incidence of taxation

课税负担 tax burden

赋税负担 burden of taxation

超额负担,超额税负 excess burden

