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[ránshāo dàn]

    fire bomb
    incendiary device

fire [faiә(r)]

    n.火,炉火,火灾,失火,闪光,炮火,热情,激情 vt.点燃,烧制,使发光,给(炉子等)加燃料,放枪,激动,解雇 vi.开枪,射击,着火,烧火,激动

bomb [bɔm]

    n.炸弹 vt.投弹于,轰炸

incendiary [in'sendiәri; (-) in'sendieri]

    adj.纵火的,煽动的 n.纵火犯,煽动者,燃烧弹

device [di'vais]

    n.装置,设计,图案,策略,发明物,设备 [计]安装设备驱动程式


燃烧弹药,带有或不带起爆装置、发射剂或推进剂。Incendiary with or without burster expelling cha.上个月一家反政府报纸的报社因燃烧弹袭击被毁。The offices of an anti-government newspaper were destroyed by firebombing last month.使用燃烧弹向目标发起进攻To launch an attack against a target using a firebomb.我们有了燃烧弹。I've got an incendiary.已提供了这群人和一连串的燃烧弹攻击事件有关的证据。Evidence has been offered linking the group to a series of firebomb attacks.在法国,已经研究出用燃烧弹对付侦察气球的办法。Incendiary ammunition had been developed for use against observation balloons in france.在那次燃烧弹袭击中,许多商店被严重毁坏。Many shops were badly damaged in the firebomb attacks.那些燃烧弹里有镁和凝固汽油There's magnesium or napalm mixed in with the gas.有次朝车里的人扔燃烧弹Once threw a molotov cocktail at someone sitting in their car.用小瓶装有易燃液体和少量易燃物的天然燃烧弹。A crude incendiary bomb made of a bottle filled with flammable liquid and fitted with a rag wick.


半穿甲燃烧弹 semi-armour piercing incendiary

投燃烧弹 fire bomb

燃烧弹 incendiary

燃烧弹烧伤 incendiary bomb burn

瓶装燃烧弹 Molotov cocktail

穿甲爆破燃烧弹 armor-piercing explosive incendiary projectile

