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饰板的英文翻译 饰板英文怎幺说 饰板的英文例句



[shì bǎn]

    plaque;plaquette;veneer;ornamental plate

plaque [pla:k; (-) 'plæk]


plaquette [plæ'kєt]

    n. 小饰板; 小金属牌子

veneer [vi'niә(r)]

    n.薄板,单板,胶合板,饰面,外表,虚饰 vt.镶饰,胶合,虚饰

ornamental [ɔ:nә'mәnt(ә)l]

    n.装饰物,观赏植物 adj.装饰性的,装饰的,装饰用的

plate [pleit]

    n.盘子,金属板,图版,金银餐具 vt.镀(金,银等),电镀,给...装钢板


拆下发动机下的车底饰板。Remove underbody panelling under the engine.拆下工具箱的装饰板。Remove trim panel for tool box.拆卸后壁装饰板。Remove rear wall trim panel.打开a柱饰板的盖。Open cover of a-pillar trim.将外侧装饰板拔离安全带导槽。Pull outer side trim off belt guide.紧固螺钉,d柱装饰板上的高音喇叭-2-拧紧力矩1。5Fastening screw tweeter on d-pillar trim panel-2-tightening torque1清除车底饰板上的任何机油污迹。Clean any oil stains off the underbody panelling.饰板在天花板、圆屋顶、拱腹、拱顶内的下凹装饰镶板A decorative sunken panel in a ceiling dome soffit or vault.鬆开并拆下侧装饰板。Unclip and remove side trim.完整安装上后车底饰板。Completely install rear underbody panelling.一块蓝色饰板表明,卡纳莱托曾一度在这儿住过。A blue plaque announces the one-time presence of canaletto.用油灰刀抬高防滑带的一边并且从车顶饰板上剥落它。Lift one edge of each skid strip with a putty knife and peel it from roof panel.有一块朴素的饰板用以纪念该烈士的殉难处。A simple plaque mark the spot where the martyr die.装在墙上的饰板。A plaque set into the wall.


柚木装饰板 teak fancy plywood

石膏浮雕装饰板 plaster relief sculpture decorating plate

石膏装饰板 gypsum adorned board plaster decorative board

装饰板 decorating plate decorative sheet

装饰板胶粘剂 adhesive for decorative sheet

装饰板贴面 decorative plate coversheeting

门头饰板 over door

