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传授的英文翻译 传授英文怎幺说 传授的英文例句




    to impart
    to pass on
    to teach

impart [im'pa:t]


pass [pa:s; (-) pæs]

    n.经过,关口,途径,护照,通行证,入场券,传球,及格 vt.通过,审查通过,忽略,传递 vi.经过,变化,流通,宣判,被忽略,终止,传递,不叫牌


老师把知识毫无保留地传授给了学生。Teachers unreservedly passed on to the students their knowledge.虽然这是一种交换——因为这些学科传授了一些非常有价值的技能。It's always a trade-off though because these subjects teach some very valuable skills.他把这项技能传授给他的儿子。He pass on the skill to his son.他们把技术毫无保留地传授给了我们。They unreservedly passed on to us their technical know-how.他们是来传授饲养牲畜的经验的。They had come to pass on their experience in stock raising.她传授了我们太阳舞She taught us the sun dance.倘若你肯将一个波浪起伏的绝技传授给我,Would you the undulation of one wave its trick to me transfer外行的,未经传授的没有给予秘传知识或被宗教仪式接纳的;无经验的Not admitted into a body of secret knowledge or ritual; uninitiated.未经传授的天赋宛如无人引领的船舰。A gift untaught is a ship unguided.我把我所知道的枪法和剑术全都传授给了他。I taught him all I know of marksmanship and swordplay.这种传授也认为她是圣母玛利亚的玫瑰十字。The initiated know her to be notre dame des cross.


传授 impart sth.; pass on; teach sb. sth.

传授犯罪方法罪 crime of imparting criminal methods

将秘诀传授给某人 let sb.into the secret

技术传授合同 technical impartation agreement

技术有效传授 effective transfer of technology

把秘密传授给某人 initiate one into a secret

私下传授 tutor in

