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[quán tóng]


identical [ai'dentik(ә)l]



他并不完全同意这项计画。He doesn't wholly agree to the plan.借用的外来词在被该语言完全同化之前,通常都加上引号。Until borrowed words re fully assimilated into the language they are often put in inverted commas.外来词在被本国语言所完全同化前,通常都加上引号。Until borrowed words are fully assimilated into the language they are often put in inverted commas.我们完全同意共产国际关于中国问题的决议。We fully agree with the communist international's resolution on china.我完全同意陈云同志的讲话。I fully agree with comrade chen yun's speech.我完全同意你的计画。I fully assent to your plan.我完全同意您的决定。I concur absolutely with your decision.他完全同意民主革命这个命题。He wholly accepted the thesis of the democratic revolution.同度;同音音高一致;完全同度的间隔Identity of pitch; the interval of a perfect prime.我们完全同情你的困境。We fully sympathize with your predicament.我完全同意你的观点。I completely agree with you.我完全同意你的意见。I quite agree with you.


全同于 congruent with

全同形 identical fields

全同立构 isotactic

全同立构聚合物 isotactic polymer__又称"等规聚合物"。

全同粒子 identical particle

全同胞 full-sib, I-sib

全同胞交配 full-sib mating

全同间同等量聚合物 equitactic polymer

化学全同 chemical equivalence

双全同立构的 di isotactic

完全同形部 n. dead flat

完全同意 in full agreement

完全同步的 synchronical

微观粒子全同性原理 identity principle of microparticles

磁全同 magnetic equivalence

签署人完全同意 undersigned all agree

苏型双全同立构聚合物 threo-diisotactic polymer

赤型双全同立构聚合物 erythro-diisotactic polymer

