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细条的英文翻译 细条英文怎幺说 细条的英文例句



[xì tiáo]


strand [strænd]

    n.绳、线之一股,线,绳,串,海滨,河岸 vi.搁浅 vt.使搁浅,使落后,使陷于困境,弄断,搓


金子被锤成了细条形。The gold was beaten (out) into fine strips.她把布撕成细条。She slit cloth into strips.这两条规则说明了为什幺传统的细条套装几乎受到每一位女士的青睐。These two rules help explain why a classic pin stripe suit flatters almost every woman.鹅肝刨成细条后,与浸泡葡萄牙波特酒的杏桃与黑枣丝堆砌而成,佐和风酱。Shaved goose-liver piped up with alcoholic apricot and plum with japanese sauce seasoning.磨碎通过在粗糙表面上磨擦使…成为碎片、细条或粉末To reduce to fragments shreds or powder by rubbing against an abrasive surface.多数人都穿t恤,但商人们仍穿着约定俗成的细条子西装。Most people were in tee-shirts but the businessmen were still wearing regulation pin-stripe suits.细条子织物非常细的条子织物,常用来做西装A fabric with very thin stripes often used for suits.这女孩是细条儿身材。The girl was slimly built.


中细条灯芯绒 medium & pin-waled corduroy

印花细条灯芯绒 printed corduroy,pin-waled

染色细条灯芯绒 dyed corduroy,pin-waled dyed pin-waled corduroy

比卡萨细条织物 bikasab

粗细条格子布 graduated checks

细条子帆布 pin-stripe duck

细条彩格布 carradars

细条灯芯绒 fine corduroy pinwale corduroy

细条灯芯绒坯布 grey corduroy,pin-waled

细条纹光面呢 needle cords

细条绒布 fine needle cotton flannel

色织细条阔棉布衬衫 yarn-dyed woven pencil stripe broadcloth shirt

详细条款 detailed provision

