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吸食的英文翻译 吸食英文怎幺说 吸食的英文例句



[xī shí]

    to suck
    to take in

suck [sʌk]


take [teik]

    v.拿,拿走,取,抓,佔领,获得,接受,感受 n.捕获量


贪婪地吸食有香味的烟斗烟的人An avid inhaler of aromatic pipe smoke.一、酒醉或吸食毒品、迷幻药而驾车者。Drunk driving or driving under the influence of drugs or lsd;因为吸食麻药而被监禁过We suspected he was pushing confiscated dope.婴儿吸食瓶子里的牛奶。A baby sucks milk from a bottle.在诊所的一个月是为了帮我戒掉吸食可卡因的习惯The month in the clinic was to kick my massive coke habit.禁止吸食任何违禁物质。Smoking of any substance prohibited.就因为一名二等通信兵购买并吸食调味品Because a signalman second-class bought and smoked a dime bag of oregano.三叠纪的怪兽以吸食为生?Did triassic monster use suction to feed?用不着教你的祖母如何吸食鸡蛋。Do not teach your grandmother to suck eggs.


从...吸食 suck from

吸食、注射毒品成瘾人员 drug addicts involved in taking or injecting drugs; narcotic addicts involved in taking or injecting drugs

吸食毒品 be addicted to a narcotic; take addictive drugs; drug taking

吸食鸦片烟罪 offense related to opium taking

吸食鸦片犯罪活动 criminal activities relating to opium smoking

容留他人吸食、注射毒品并出售毒品罪 crime of sheltering others in drug taking or injection and selling drugs

强迫他人吸食、注射毒品罪 crime of coercing others into drug taking or injection

提供吸食鸦片房室罪 crime of providing premises for taking opium

教唆他人吸食、注射毒品罪 crime of soliciting others to take or inject drugs

欺骗他人吸食、注射毒品罪 crime of cheating others into drug taking or injection

