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计画外的英文翻译 计画外英文怎幺说 计画外的英文例句




    outside the plan

outside [aut'said]

    n.外面,外表,外界 adj.外面的,外表的,外界的 adv.在外面,外表,出界 prep.在...外

plan [plæn]

    n.计画,设计图,平面图 vt.计画,设计


开始并加入计画外电话会议。Start an join an unscheduled conference call.这会使运营效率变低,并产生由闪络导致的计画外断电。This results in less efficient operation and unplanned outages caused by flashover.


指令性计划外产品 products beyond mandatory planning

计画内调高,计画外开放 fixing higher prices for the planned portion of the means of production) and adopting flexible prices for them outside the plan

计画外产品 products outside the plan

计画外修理 off-schedule maintenance

计画外冲击计画内 economic activities outside the plan will bring pressure to bear on those within the plan

计画外出口 export beyond State plan; unplanned exportation

计画外投资 investment outside the state plan; unscheduled investment

计画外投资专案 unplanned investment project

计画外生育 unplanned birth

计画外用工 extraplanned labor use; workers outside the plan

计画外的修理 off-schedule repair

计画外的生产权 authority to manufacture goods not assigned by state plans

计画外维修 unscheduled maintenance

计画外维护 unscheduled maintenance

计画外运输 out-of-plan freight traffic,unplanned freight traffic

计画外专案 projects outside the plan

计画外专案挤计画内专案 some planned projects had to give way to those outside the plan

