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    to call for help

call [kɔ:l]

    n.喊声,叫声,命令,号召,访问,叫牌,通话,必要 v.呼叫,召集,称呼,认为,命名,打电话

help [help]

    n.帮忙,补救办法,助手,治疗,佣工 vt.帮助,助长,接济,治疗,款待 vi.有用,救命,招待 [计] 显示命令格式的简短概述


我们听见他高呼救命。We heard him yelling for help.饑饿者脸上那绝望的样子;绝望的呼救声The desperate look of hunger; a desperate cry for help.一个正在呼救的游泳者A swimmer who was calling for help.然而人跌倒,怎会不伸手?人遇灾祸,怎会不呼救呢?Howbeit he will not stretch out his hand to the grave though they cry in his destruction.呼救!呼救!我们受到攻击。Mayday! Mayday! We are under attack.呼救信号遇险的飞机、船只等使用的国际无线电呼救信号An international radiotelephone signal word used by aircraft and ships in distress.救火!救火!“电话里传来了紧急而恐慌的呼救声。Fire! Fire!'an Urgent and panicky sound of cry for help passed through the phone.没有收到从飞机上发出的紧急呼救信号。No sos messages were received from the plane.有人在大声呼救。Somebody was calling for help.这家医院发出了紧急呼救信号,要求额外的血液供应。The hospital sent out an sos for extra blood supplies.这条船正发出呼救信号。The ship is sending out an sos signal.


呼救信号 emergency signal

呼救信号控制板 emergency keyer panel

呼救信号波道 emergency radio channel

呼救信号 SOS

呼救电台 distress radio set

大声呼救 cry out for help

紧急呼救信号 emergency message

自动呼救信号接收机 auto distress singal apparatus

自动呼救器 auto saving alarm

遇险呼救信号 emergency message

遇难呼救频率 distress frequency

