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鑒赏的英文翻译 鑒赏英文怎幺说 鑒赏的英文例句




    variant of 鑒赏|鉴赏

variant [veәriәnt]

    adj.不同的 n.变数


他对美术缺乏鑒赏力。He is blind to fine arts.他具有鑒赏艺术的能力。He is capable of judging art.他算是个鑒赏家吧He's something of a connoisseur.我认为你是鑒赏家,不是画商。I thought you were a connoisseur not a picture-dealer.我也同样地不是个很好的鑒赏家I'm a poor judge of character as well.茱丽亚对绘画有敏锐的鑒赏力。Julia has a keen appreciation of painting.1。明确鑒赏性阅读思维规律。1.make Clear the law of thought of appreciative reading.改良烹调变得更完善;多学一年以便进一步提高鑒赏能力Develops his recipes to perfection; an extra year of study to develop virtuosic technique.鑒赏力,精湛技巧鑒赏家所展示的精湛技巧、流畅或风格The technical skill fluency or style exhibited by a virtuoso.没眼光的,无鑒赏力的没有感到或表现出鑒识的;没有眼力的Feeling or showing no appreciation; unappreciative.所以你有好的鑒赏力、幽默感、风趣…That's where you get your sensibility from.your humor your wit...已成为显赫人物的新艺术品鑒赏家A new virtuoso has come to the fore.有着侯爵的鑒赏力却只有教区牧师的收入With the taste of marquess and the income of a vicar.


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