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环境空气的英文翻译 环境空气英文怎幺说 环境空气的英文例句



[huánjìng kōngqì]

    ambient air

ambient [æmbiәnt]

    adj.周围的 n.周围环境

air [eә(r)]

    n.空气,样子,天空,空中,曲调 vt.晾乾,使通风,宣扬,夸耀,显示


国家环境空气品质二级标準(居住区标準)National air quality specification level ii ( inhabitable standard)拔下环境空气阀控制盒上的软管。Pull off hose on control box for ambient air valve.插入环境空气阀接头,直至其牢固接合。Plug in connector on ambient air valve until it engages securely.介绍了环境空气监测仪器防雨雪超载自动保护装置。The automatic protection device of environment air monitor is introduced in this article.连接环境空气阀控制盒的软管。Connect hose to control box for ambient air valve.然后,拔下环境空气管。Then pull off the ambient air line.鬆开环境空气阀的接头,然后将其拔下。Release connector on ambient air valve and pull it off.为真空单元和环境空气阀推上软管。Push hoses on for the vacuum unit and the ambient air valve.联邦环境保护局长已经制定了《全国环境空气品质标準》,具体制定了诸如一氧化碳、粒、氧化硫、氧化氮、氢化合物、氧和铅的含量标準。Naaqss for carbon monoxide particulates sulfur dioxide nitrogen dioxide hydrocarbons ozone and lead.


可擕式环境空气分析仪 portable ambient air analyzer

全国环境空气品质标準 National Ambient Air Quality Standards NAAQS)

环境空气中碳氢化物含量分析仪 ambient hydrocarbon analyzer

环境空气标準 ambient air standard

环境空气监测仪 ambient air monitor

环境空气品质标準 ambient air quality

