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加紧的英文翻译 加紧英文怎幺说 加紧的英文例句




    to intensify
    to speed up
    to step up

intensify [in'tensifai]

    vt.加强 vi.强化

speed [spi:d]

    n.迅速,速度,速率 v.加快,速飞,飞跑

up [ʌp]

    adv.向上,到(较高的地方,北方),起来,起床 prep.向上,在上,沿 adj.向上的,上行的


汤姆,你真的需要比现在更加紧销售我们的秋季系列产品。Tom you really need to be pushing our fall line more than you are.为提前完成任务,我正在加紧干。In order to finish the work ahead of schedule I am putting my best leg forward.我加紧锄地,很快就锄好了。I buckled to my hoeing and the work was done quickly.英语系正为吸收更多的学生加紧做好準备。The english department is gearing up for an increased intake of students.与此同时,我们加紧进行空运。In the meantime we pressed on with the airlift.在此种情形下,只有加紧政治训练的一法。In these circumstances the only solution is to intensify political training.他们加紧猛攻以夺回要塞。They pressed ahead with the recapture of the fort.我们必须加紧进行技术革新,提高生产效率。We must step up technical innovations and raise productivity.有关官员命令当地检查人员加紧检查从美国进口的食品。Officials are ordering local inspectors to step up checks on food imported from the united states.


加紧 press forward

加紧努力 increased exertion; pull up our slacks

加紧劳动强度的工业管理 stretch out

加紧工作 made play

加紧干 go to it; look lively

