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价格下跌的英文翻译 价格下跌英文怎幺说 价格下跌的英文例句



[jiàgé xiàdiē]

    decline price;falling price;recession in price

decline [di'klain]

    vi.下倾,下降,下垂 v.拒绝,衰落 n.下倾,下降,下垂,斜面,斜坡,衰败,衰落

price [prais]

    n.价格,价钱,代价 vt.给...定价,问...的价格,标明价格

falling [fɔ:liŋ]

    n.落下,坠落,下降,陷落,凹落,(岩石等的)崩塌 adj.落下的,下降的

recession [ri'seʃ(ә)n]



在商品价格下跌时,海琴能够帮助他们抵补存货价跌的损失。Hedge can help them offset inventory loss when commodity price fall.轻质原油期货价格下跌69美分,至71。28美元每桶纽约证券交易所。Light sweet crude fell69cents to$ 71.28a barrel on the new york stock exchange.石油供应过剩已迫使价格下跌。The oil glut has forced price cuts.在一片利率上升的谣言中股票价格下跌了。Share prices fell amid st rumors of a rise in interest rates.撤销对美国航班的管制规定导致了激烈的竞争和价格下跌。Deregulation of us airlines results in fierce competition and price-cut.今天股票价格下跌,抵消了上一日的收益。Today's decline in stock price canceled out yesterdays gain.美国东北部温度将上升的预报也对价格下跌产生影响。Warmer temperatures forecast for the north-eastern us also played a role in the price drop.那次大恐慌使证券价格下跌。The panic pulled stock prices down.倾向下跌的引起、期盼或表现为股市价格下跌的Causing expecting or characterized by falling stock-market prices.如果石油价格下跌呢?Supposing oil prices go down?生猪价格下跌较多,存栏下降。Price of pig declines sharply resulting in diminished livestock.昨天西班牙比萨斜塔在货币市场价格下跌。The spanish peseta crashed on the currency markets yesterday.


价格下跌 falling price; recession in price

大量抛空以使价格下跌 bear raid

存货价格下跌 decline in prices of inventories

市场价格下跌 falling market

股票价格下跌的符号 down tick; downtick

证券价格下跌 exhaust price

限制价格下跌 arrest the downward movement

