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滑落的英文翻译 滑落英文怎幺说 滑落的英文例句




    to slide
    to roll

slide [slaid]

    v.(使)滑动,(使)滑行 n.滑,滑动,幻灯片

roll [rәul]

    adj.滚动,滚转,(使)摇摆,(使)摇晃,卷起,卷拢 vt.辗,轧 n.(一)卷,卷形物,摇晃,摆动,名单


结果:该队平均打击率滑落到0。217。Result: the team batting average plummets to.217.泪珠从她的脸上滑落。Tears dropped from her face.那块湿肥皂从我手中滑落了。The wet bar of soap slid from my hands.正当他试图清洁一下水管时,突然滑落至70加侖的巧克力软糖粘性物中。He's trying to clear a drain when he slipped and fell into70gallons of the fudge goo.登上飞机的一刹那,一串思念的泪水止不住地滑落。At the moment of enplaning I could no longer constrain a string of yearning tears from sliding down.滑落在这里的贻贝群上And into the mussel bed here.轻柔地拭去美朱眼里再次滑落的泪珠,魏温柔地吻上她的唇。Softly wiping away miaka's tears that trickled down her cheeks again taka gently kissed her lips.她把滑落的短袜提起来。She pulled up her sock which had slipped down.我感到一滴泪水顺着我的右颊滑落,但没有伸手把它擦掉。I feel a tear slide down the right side of my face but make no move to wipe it away.一滴泪从美朱眼中滑落。A single teardrop fell from miaka's eye.有软管滑落的风险。Danger of hoses slipping off.


从...滑落 slip from

滑落 glide off; slide down; slide off; slip down

