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国贸的英文翻译 国贸英文怎幺说 国贸的英文例句



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    abbr. for 国际贸易|国际贸易


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本文作者是美国贸易代表。The writer is us trade representative.从“201钢铁案”看美国贸易政策中的单边主义A perceive on the unilateral doctrine in the american trade policy from "201steel cases"美国贸易代表苏珊出席了在巴西的会议。Us trade representative susan schwab attended the meeting in brazil.自2001年到2005年,他担任了美国贸易代表。From2001to2005he served as the united states trade representative.商人们说对美国贸易均衡的继续关注有助于降低美元的价值。The american trade in balance helped lower the dollar's value.


中国贸促会共同海损理算规则 China Council for the Promotion of International Trade Provisional Rules for General Average Adjustment

全国贸易公司 national trading corporation

外国贸易区 foreign trade zone FTZ)

大国贸易条件 large-country terms of trade

小国贸易条件 small-country terms of trade

禁止同外国贸易 interdict trade with a foreign nation

第三国贸易 third-country trade

美国贸易代表署 Office of the United States Trade Representative

美国贸易及关税法第三零七条 Section 307 of the US Trade and Tariff act

美国贸易扩展第二三二条 Section 232 of the US Trade Expansion Act

美国贸易法第三零一条 Section 301 of the US Trade Act

美国贸易法第二零一条 Section 201 of the US Trade Act

美国贸易简化法 trade simplification act

联合国贸发会议贸易和发展理事会 trade and development board

联合国贸发会议贸易资料库 trade data bank

联合国贸易和发展会议 United Nations Conference on Trade and Development

联合国贸易法律委员会审查事项範围说明 terms of reference of uncitral

联合国贸易组织 international trade organization

英国贸易公会 British Trade Association BTA)

越国贸易,越国营运 cross trade

跨国贸易 multi national trade

