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洛斯的英文翻译 洛斯英文怎幺说 洛斯的英文例句



[luò sī]


Lowes [loz]

    John Livingston Lowes 洛斯


其次,人不仅仅是逻各斯的动物,非理性的厄洛斯永远困扰着人类的理性文明。Secondly the irrationality of eros will perplex the rational civilization forever.其中的一些是一个叫做卡洛斯的阻击手干的,他是委内瑞拉人…Some of it was done by a venezuelan called carlos the jackal...所有的密西是波洛高夫,以及蒙洛斯奥格瑞。All mimsy were the borogoves and the mome raths outgrabe.所有的密西是波洛高夫,以及蒙洛斯奥格瑞。“当心废话,我的孩子!All mimsy were the borogoves and the mome raths outgrabe. "Beware the jabberwock my son!他加入了工党,开始了与托洛斯基主义的长期关係。He joined the labour party where he began his long association with trotskyism.他们将所有米洛斯男子杀害。They killed the adult melian males.他们伤心害怕得都麻木了,竟认不出普洛斯彼罗来了。Grief and terror had so stupefied their sense that they did not know prospero.托洛斯基主义是以一种持异议的共产主义为发端的。Trotskyism began as a form of dissident communism.西维亚,我怎幺没见卡洛斯Silvia I haven't seen carlos yet.要打电话给卡洛斯,安排一下会面地点I'm gonna call carlos.try and arrange some sort of a rendezvous. I don't know what.在攻击米洛斯岛之前,雅典人给予米洛斯岛人一个投降的机会。Before attacking melos the athenians gave the melians an opportunity to surrender.在门口,她拉住布洛斯的衣袖,象在舞台上演戏一样轻声说:“告诉我――他是什幺人?”At the door she caught bloggs's sleeve and said in a stage whisper "tell me-what is he?"


克洛斯双极等距投影 two-point equidistant projection

埃勒斯-当洛斯综合征 Ehlers-Danlos syndrome又称"皮肤弹性过度综合征"。

尤里洛斯电子尿布 Urilos electronic nappy

格洛斯潘 Glospan

格洛斯潘 Glospan

科洛斯塔蒂克转移印花机 Colorstatic

赛洛斯考泼粘胶粒子计数仪 Celloscope

赛洛斯考泼粘胶粒子计数仪 Celloscope

