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    Salix multinervis


他在宫殿的食品柜里藏了一些美国零食That he has some american munchies hidden in the palace pantry.他正在我的柜檯,还带着他的钱袋子来。He's right at my desk with a money belt.也有其他的东西:一个书柜,一张小床头几,一张桌子和椅子,化妆台,被褥。The re are other things too; a bookcase a small night table a desk and chair a dresser and clothes.再不要撬保险柜了。You re not a bad fellow really.作为一个商店职员,她整天在柜檯后面走来走去。As a shop clerk she will shuttlecock behind the counter all day.


一般用途货柜,一般用途集装箱 general purpose container; GP container

上层舱货柜 upper deck units

上油密封干式煤气柜 oiled sealed waterless gasholder

专柜 pit

专用货柜运费 exclusive use freight

主整流柜隔离开关 isolating switch for main silicon rectifier cubicle

主舱货柜 main deck units

书柜 bookcase

书柜式桌 book case table

交易专柜 desk, the; trading desk

交易柜檯制 trading post system

什物柜 all purpose utility cabinet

付帐柜檯 checkout counter

付款柜檯 check-out counter

伸缩袋形货柜 flexible bag container

低层货柜 lower deck units

侧开门式货柜,侧开门式集装箱 side-door container

侧装货柜,侧装集装箱 side-loading container

侧门式货柜,侧门式集装箱 side-door container

保温货柜,保温集装箱 insulated container

保险柜 safe; strongbox

保险柜承租人 safe renter

保险柜条款 iron safe clause

信号旗柜 signallocker

储气柜 gas tank

储油柜 oil conservator

全货柜船 full container ship

内地货站,内地货运站,内陆货柜站,内陆运输保税站 inland depot

冰屋型货柜 igloo

冰柜 deep freezer ice chest ice cuber box refrigerating cabinet

