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合身的英文翻译 合身英文怎幺说 合身的英文例句



[hé shēn]

    well-fitting (of clothes)

clothes [klɔðz; (-) klәuz]



我想要一件合身的无尾晚礼服。I would like to have a fitted dinner jacket.我想要一套合身的晚礼服。I want to get fitted for a tuxedo.一件漂亮的灰色连衣裙,上身合身。下麵是喇叭裙。A nice grey dress with a fitted bodice and flared skirt.衣服上面的合身的部分。A fitted part at the top of a garment.这裙子她很合身,可惜颜色太暗。The skirt fits her well except for its dark color.这些牛仔裤含莱克拉成分,以求舒适、合身的效果。These jeans have added lycra for comfort and fit.不合身的上衣,被融雪湿透,变得沉甸甸的,衣领都朝上翻起。Their misfit coats were heavy with melted snow and turned up at the collars.她穿了一套很合身的衣服去参加面试。She wore a tailored suit to her interview.我问他们手头有没有顾客试过的不合身的衣服。I asked if they had a misfit suit on their hands.腰带如围在裤子或衬衫上并使衣服合身的一段带子,A band of material encircling and fitting the waist of a garment such as trousers or a skirt.有人给了他一些旧衣服--一件廉价的棕色上衣和一条不合身的裤子。Some old garments had been given him--a cheap brown coat and misfit pair of trousers.原本合身的衣服现在有点紧了??那是我衣食无忧嘛。For the clothes that fit a little too snog because it means I have enough to eat.


合身 fay in; shape to

很合身 sat well on; sit well on

轻飘合身的连衣裙 slink

