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令人满意的英文翻译 令人满意英文怎幺说 令人满意的英文例句





satisfactory [sætis'fæktәri]



设计的总体效果非常令人满意。The general effect of the design is very pleasing.他的解释是不能令人满意的。His explanation can not be accepted as being satisfactory.她捲入了一些不很令人满意的恋情之中。She plunged into a few unsatisfying affairs.我们仍不能令人满意地解释宇宙的起源。We can not yet satisfactorily explain the genesis of the universe.学生们令人满意地成长进步。The students are shaping satisfactorily.越过以令人满意的速度越过指定距离To traverse a given distance with satisfying speed.在商品菜园或者苗圃里搞园艺有时是件令人满意的差事。Gardening in a market garden or nursery can be a fulfilling job.作为经理,他的表现不令人满意。He performed unsatisfactorily as a manager.


不能令人满意的装潢 unsatisfactory finish; unsatisfactory workmanship

不能令人满意的货物 unsatisfactory goods

令人满意 be all that could be desired; turn up trumps

令人满意地用于 be satisfactory for

令人满意的事物 gratification

令人满意的因素 satisfiers

令人满意的是 it be satisfying that; it can be satisfying that; it may be satisfying that; it must be satisfying that; it should be satisfying that; it will be satisfying that; it would be satisfying that

令人满意的行为 satisfying behavior

令人满意的装潢 satisfactory finish; satisfactory workmanship

令人满意的品质 acceptable quality

决不能令人满意 be anything but satisfactory

并不令人满意 be not all that could be desired

有些地方不能令人满意 leave something to be desired; left something to be desired

看上去令人满意的 well seeming

证明...是不会令人满意的 fallen down; fell down

证明是令人满意的 prove out

