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咧的英文翻译 咧英文怎幺说 咧的英文例句



    child's cry

child [tʃaild]


cry [krai]

    vi.哭,流泪 v.叫,喊 n.哭泣,哭声,叫喊,喊声


至于那个只会像猫一样咧嘴傻笑的傻瓜布雷尔……As for that silly mr blair with his cheshire cat grin...包装盒上面不是说这是一台高品质的相机吗??阿为啥有那摸多问题咧??On the packing box it said this is a high quality digial camera why there have so many problem.带有轻蔑暗示的表情,带有轻蔑地咧着嘴笑。A suggestive or sneering look or grin.孩子气的咧嘴笑;孩子气的胡闹。A boyish grin; schoolboyish pranks.就这幺大咧咧的瞎混吧:没饭吃呢,就把车拉出去;Why not just muddle along? When there was nothing to eat take out the rickshaw;雷诺兹咧着嘴笑笑,对我喝了一声。Reynolds grinned and boomed at me.皮卡迪利大街马车站上的那些人啧啧称奇,对着这两个衣冠楚楚的古怪小伙子咧开了嘴笑个不住。The men in the cab stand in piccadilly wondered and grinned at the antics of the two young swells.他的下巴颏歪向一边,犹豫不定地咧着嘴。His underjaw fell sideways open uncertainly.他骂骂咧咧一直在嘀咕为什幺所有的坏事总是落在他头上。He kept wondering profanely why everything bad happened to him.他歪咧着嘴微微一笑,露出了珍珠似的小牙。He smiled showing his small pearly teeth in a crooked grin.她是个外粗内秀的人。别看她大大咧咧,可干起事来总是顶呱呱。She's a rough diamond although she seems to be careless she does everything tip-top.喜剧演员的咧嘴式露齿一笑。A toothy comedian's grin.西蒙朝她咧嘴一笑。Simon gave her a grin.这一架是在哥伦布东大街打的,对手是个大膘肥,呲牙咧嘴,是个不伦不类的杂种。It was fought in east main street in columbus with a large snarly nondescript.


咧嘴大笑 grin from ear to ear

咧嘴而笑 grin at

咧着嘴笑 show his ivories; show your ivories; shown his ivories; shown their ivories

龀牙咧嘴 show her teeth

