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了结的英文翻译 了结英文怎幺说 了结的英文例句




    to settle
    to finish
    to conclude

settle [set(ә)l]

    n.有背的长凳 vt.安放,使定居,安排,解决,决定,整理,支付,使平静 vi.安家,定居,停留,下陷,沉澱,决定,澄清

finish [finiʃ]

    n.完成,结束,磨光,末道漆,完美 vt.完成,结束,用完,毁掉,使完美 vi.结束,终结,停止,终止


各种战争机构着手了结它们的公务。Various war agencies began to wind up their affairs.就是了结卢梭的案子Is close this russo case他们于五月份庆祝了结婚纪念日。They celebrated their silver wedding in may.他去服现役了,以了结义务。He's out on active service wiping something off a slate.我将为你了结这件事。I'll square the matter up for you.我们该把事情了结了。It's time we settle up.最初的庙宇是岩石切割,后来发展了结构性建筑。Early temples were rock-cut later structural temples evolved.


了结 get through

了结债务 compound with creditors

了结债务的调解 composition and schemes of arrangement

了结债权、产权或赔偿要求 settle a claim

了结成本 settling up cost

了结案件 close a case; dismiss a case; wind up a case

了结的损害赔偿 liquidated damages; stipulated damages

偿还部分债务而了结 composition

尚未了结的邮件 unsettled mail

拼凑一笔款子了结帐目 make out a sum to settle the account

有了结果 be brought to fruition

未了结交易 open trade

获利了结,获取利润 profit taking

诉讼了结 settlement of action

迅速了结 made short work of; make short work of; maken short work of; makes short work of

部分偿还以了结债务的协议 composition

