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通往的英文翻译 通往英文怎幺说 通往的英文例句




    to lead to

lead [li:d]

    vt.领导,引导,致使 vi.领导,(道路等)通向,导致,用水砣测深 n.领导,领先,导线,铅,(自船上测海水深度的)铅陲,石墨,铅笔芯


与其把恐惧看成你的绊脚石,不如把它看成是通往新历程的垫脚石。Istead of seeing fear as a stumbling block see it as a stepping-stone towards new experience.这班火车与公共汽车联运通往伍斯特。This train connects with a bus service to worcester.这里的铁路通往纽约州的西沙芬。The line travels to suffern n.y.这是通往非武装区的补给线This is a supply line to the demilitarized zone这条路通往邮局。This road leads to the post office.中国中北部的一个省;以前是通往土耳其斯坦、印度和波斯的丝绸之路的门廊。A province in north-central china; formerly part of the silk road to turkistan and india and persia.侏儒商人正在雇用冒险者扫清并保护通往一个遥远城市的贸易之路。Gnome merchants are paying adventurers to clear and secure a trade route to a distant city.柱廊有由圆柱支撑房顶的门廊或走道,通常通往建筑物的入口处A porch or walkway with a roof supported by columns often leading to the entrance of a building.作为报复,马哈苏德的部下佔领了一座小镇,并切断了通往瓦齐里斯坦的道路。Mr mehsud's followers retaliated by seizing a small town and cutting off the road to waziristan.


通往 gone to; lead to

通往...的道路 the way to

通往海洋 access to the sea

