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统领的英文翻译 统领英文怎幺说 统领的英文例句




    to lead
    to command

lead [li:d]

    vt.领导,引导,致使 vi.领导,(道路等)通向,导致,用水砣测深 n.领导,领先,导线,铅,(自船上测海水深度的)铅陲,石墨,铅笔芯

command [kә'ma:nd; (-) kә'mænd]

    n.命令,掌握,司令部 v.命令,指挥,克制,支配,博得,俯临


卡特总统领导下的行政部门。The executive under president carter.克林顿总统领导下的行政部门。The executive under president clinton.统领玛拿西支派军队的,是比大蓿的儿子迦玛列。And over the company of the tribe of the children of manasseh was gamaliel the son of pedahzur.统领玛拿西支派军队的、是比大蓿的儿子迦玛列。At the head of the army of the children of manasseh was gamaliel the son of pedahzur.统领玛拿西支派军队的是比大蓿的儿子迦玛列。And over the host of the tribe of the children of manasseh was gamaliel the son of pedahzur.押沙龙立亚玛撒统领军队,代替约押。And absalom set amasa over the army instead of joab.布希总统领导下的行政部门。The executive under president bush.苏特勒大统领的货运列车A government supply train on its way to chancellor sutler.统领西缅支派军队的是苏利沙代的儿子示路蔑。And over the host of the tribe of the children of simeon was shelumiel the son of zurishaddai.

