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打转的英文翻译 打转英文怎幺说 打转的英文例句




    to spin
    to rotate
    to revolve

spin [spin]

    v.旋转,纺,纺纱 n.旋转

rotate [rәu'teit; (-) 'rәuteit]



薄雾在那座古老的城堡的周围打转转。The mist eddied round the old castle.小纸船捲进了漩涡中,在水中直打转。The little paper boat was caught in an eddy and spun round and round in the water.跳舞的人旋转着,裙子也不停地打转。Dancers spun in a swirl of skirts.“它可总算在打转啦。”"But he is circling.前三点起落架最大的优点是不会像后三点那样,着陆时容易打转。The main advantage of this layout is that it eliminates the ground loop problem of the taildragger.小船打转以舷侧沖入河水的洪流。The boat swung broadside on to the current of the river.原地打转直到你迷失方向。Spin around until you become disoriented.别这幺没精打采地在家里打转,出去散散步吧。Don't mope around the house like that go for a walk.当那只可怜的狗围着绑在自己尾巴上的罐头盒打转转时,孩子们嗤嗤地暗自发笑。The boys sniggered to themselves as the poor dog ran about with a tin can tied to its tail.溜冰者在冰上不停地打转转。The pretty player spun round and round on the ice.人群在市场中打转。The crowd eddied about in the market-place.我们开车沿着拥挤的停车点打转时,汤姆指着上前方的一处泊位大笑。When we drove around the crowded parking lot tom pointed to a parking space up front and laughed.


在原地打转 go round in circles

毫无目标地打转 mill about; mill around

眼睛来回打转 roll at

老是围着...打转 suck around

