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猛地的英文翻译 猛地英文怎幺说 猛地的英文例句



[měng dì]


suddenly [sʌdәnli]



这位七十五岁的老人猛地抓住镀金的画框,用力把它拉向自己。He lunged for the nearest painting he could see a caravaggio.狗猛地咬她的手指。The dog made a snap at her finger.老鹰用爪子猛地抓住猎物。The hawk seized its prey with its talons.那饑饿的野兽正兇猛地向我们袭来。The hungry beasts were storming our position.苏比觉得有一只手抓住了他的胳膊。他猛地转过脸去,看到了员警的一张胖脸。Soapy felt a hand laid on his arm.he looked quickly round into the broad face of a policeman.他对準球猛地挥拍一击。He took a wild swing at the ball.他拖她下来时,她感到肩膀猛地被扭了一下。She felt a wrench on her shoulders as he pulled her down.她把一杯啤酒猛地泼在他的脸上。She dashed a glass of beer in his face.突然,我趁其不备,用手臂猛地在他裤裆下一撞,把他一下推入海里。I took him by surprize with my arm under his twist and tost him clear over-board into the sea;


兇猛地 like a bull at a gate

勇猛地 like a bricks; like bricks

又快又猛地 to beat the band; to beat the devil; to beat the hell

将...猛地扔在...上 dump on

猛地 with a rush

猛地加速 put on a spurt

猛地向上举起 jerk up

猛地往上举起 throw up

猛地打开 smap on

猛地抽出 whip out

猛地拔出 jerk out

猛地掏出 jerk out

猛地推开 fling open

猛地甩掉 jerk off

猛地说出 whip out

